Friday, May 31, 2013


36 seconds

If you consider yourself to be a people person, then you fully understand rapport. 

Some useful synonyms are …

In the book Go-Givers Sell More, we are reminded of this poignant thought:

“What makes a great salesperson is his or her ability to create a bond with other people.  A great conversation is one in which you find points of common interest, gracefully forge a bond through those interests, and allow the other person to shine.” 
~Bob Burg & John David Mann

Rapport is essential in all human dealings. 

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Make Friends Just Because

40 Seconds

 Harvey McKay wrote the book Swim with the Sharks.  I heard him say once, “I never delete anyone from my contact list.” 

That is amazing. 

In their book Go-Giver, Bob Burg and John David Mann say this:

“Make friends just to make friends,
not to hunt and gather,
or pass out business cards.”

That is a new way of valuing mankind.  I don’t see you as a prospect.  I just want to be friends.

Remember - Not everyone you meet wants to buy your product.

Make friends for the sheer sake of making friends. 

Expand your people base. 

And when you do, I assure you, sooner or later some of those will do business with you because you first became friends.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, May 27, 2013

Where Does Your Path Lead

22 Seconds

Individuals who follow their own road to purpose-filled living do five things
1.     They read the clues that guide them on their path
2.    They are very clear about where they are going
3.    They recognize and embrace their natural gifts
4.    They are willing to sacrifice to make significant contributions
5.    They follow their bliss, and as a result they meet people on their path who have been placed there to guide them along their journey.
~Thoughts taken from Aspire
Kevin Hall

Are you staying on path for your life?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Better Deal

30 seconds

We love good deals.  We love the best deal ever.

How about this?

What if, in your relationship, you each have the attitude of “I got the better deal?”

Got it?

It’s an attitude thing.  You rate your mate as extreme, and that’s a good thing.

I happen to think that way in my marriage to Carolyn.
And she certainly lets me know she thinks she got the better deal.


I’d say we have some health going on. 

How about you?

(This thought is compliments of Anne Lamott from Help Thanks Wow.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How Are You Made

34 seconds

Have you ever compared the inner working of a lawn mower with a computer? 

Pretty different, aren't they?

They are made for different tasks.

So are you different from me, or your siblings, or your best friend.  You have something unique to do and I want to encourage you to find out what that is.

Are you thinking about YOU?
Are you mulling, reflecting, and reviewing your own life and skill set to determine what you do best?

Spend some time dreaming about what you love to do.  Maybe someday you’ll have the guts to actually pursue that dream, and that is the day you really wake up to life.


P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, May 20, 2013


16 Seconds

 Respect for self is another way of saying I believe in myself.  I believe enough in myself to respect the wonderfully created being that I am. 

When we believe in ourselves, we “respect” ourselves, and that is a good way to love oneself. 

So, do you respect you?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Friday, May 17, 2013

Magnum Opus

22 Sec

What is your magnum opus - your great work?

Everyone has a magnum opus.  It’s in the finding that is the challenge, mainly because we jump through life landing on one activity, then another.

At some point in life it would be a good thing to pause long enough to reflect, mull, contemplate, consider and evaluate our strengths, our weaknesses, our desires and our inclinations.

Just saying.

Discover your Magnum Opus – Your GREAT WORK!

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thoughts on Leadership

25 seconds

Leadership is a desired trait. 
We pay big bucks to our leaders, and hope that they earn their keep.

Here are a few thought starters on leadership.

“The leader always has to be out front”
~Paul Harvey

True and expected, unless of course our leader is in learning mode.  See what Michelangelo says about that one.

“I am always learning.”

And consider this one:

“If you are a leader
and no one is following,
you are only taking a walk.”
~John C. Maxwell

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, May 13, 2013

Go Confidently


I've used this quote a few times in other blogs and it is worth a repeat for today. 

The key word is confidently.
On purpose
With focus and determination
Set your course
Aim for the mark
Forward march


P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Friday, May 10, 2013

Touch Their Heart

29 Seconds

Want to understand people?

Remember this for the rest of your life.

“Always touch a person’s heart
before you ask them for a hand.”
~John C. Maxwell

Maya Angelou says it this way:

“People will never forget 
how you made them feel.”

When you touch a heart, it lasts a lifetime. 

I know this from experience.

When you think back on those who have influenced you in a grand way, you recall those who have in some way touched your heart and left positive footprints in your life.  

Go and do likewise.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Finish Line

19 seconds

We love crossing the finish line.  That act alone says many things.

-Job done
-Task completed
-We endured

-We hit our mark
-Our discipline paid off
-A renewed sense of confidence sweeps over us

There is one more word that is silently present when we cross the finish line.


Those with passion finish. 

I’m not talking about winning or coming in first.  I’m simply talking about finishing. 

Just think of the confidence that comes with crossing the finish line.

Not winning – not coming in first – just finishing.

Finish writing a book
Meet a goal
Lose weight

Passion and Confidence

Finish lines require passion and promise confidence.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, May 06, 2013


42 seconds

When you think back over your life, remember those good influences along the trail. 

Remember that one great teacher

Or boss
Or minister
Or youth club guy
Or …

Good influences come along rarely, and we need to remember them and cherish them.  And we owe it to others to become that good influence.

Quick story-
There once was a kid in my youth group.
Time passed.
Now, he is a minister in a large Midwestern church.   He once said to me:  “Of all the good influences in my life, you are number one.”

-A simple reminder of our responsibility in the moment

Walk a straight line.
Talk truth.
Live a trustworthy life.

Make good marks in the lives of others.

Leave a good influence.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Friday, May 03, 2013

Love the Defeat

15 Seconds

Who ever heard of loving the defeat? 

Are you crazy? 

Not in the least.  I’ll even repeat it again, in big bold letters.


Look at what a defeat can teach a person.

Ah …

Remember, the arrow that hits the bull’s eye is the result of 100 misses.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


42 Seconds

Determination matters.  It is tied to focus and pertinacity, along with a huge dose of sheer grit. 

What have you determined to do in your lifetime?  If you are like me, you've 
 determined to fulfill a bag-full of projects and dreams, but along the way we lost our determination. 

This is not a harangue on any of us for failing to follow through on our dreams.  It is an encouragement to all of us and a reminder that life takes a steady dose of determination.

A quote worth remembering:

“Nothing stands in the way
of a person determined
to reach a life goal.”

It’s not how many times we have tried and failed.  What matters is how many times we keep getting back up to bat.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time