Carolyn and I love to go on
excursions. We have discovered some
superb eating places, charming small seaside communities and memorable shared
experiences on these outings.
And the beautiful thing is this, we look
for the delightful. We can’t always plan
for it, but we manage to find it.
Plans are well and good, and I believe in
planning, however, we make room for those unexpected delights that come
along. Some of our favorite days are
days in which we set out with no agenda and our objective is simply to go
exploring. We look for the unexpected,
the delightful and the new opportunities.
We dare to engage in conversations with strangers and allow the delight
and surprise of the moment to engulf us.
Be surprised.
Find delight in the unusual and the
Life is not a script. It is an adventure.
P Michael
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time