Tuesday, November 24, 2015


We now move full speed into the Christmas season.  We already see the sights of Christmas with a few decorations already on display at some of our nearby neighbors and our lovely town is already lit up and is a picture of loveliness.

So, what decorates your life and my life?

Sometimes it is a ring of value, or a watch.
Some decorate their lives with automobiles and boats.

This is not a how-to post.  It is simply a thought that might, perhaps cause us to simply ponder the decorations in our lives.

Decorations come in all sizes, colors, shapes and dimensions.
They include:
 A diploma
  A job
   A name brand suit of clothes or jewelry
    Dating or being married to the right person
     Aligning with the ‘right’ religion or dogma

I love to decorate the space around me with books and a great music library.

Decorations can be good or bad.  It is what we gain from having that particular decoration in our lives and how we interact with it, and allow its influence to affect us.

Mostly, I hope your decorations add value to what you do, how you do what you do, and it brings you occasional moments of joy and peace.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time