Tuesday, February 27, 2018

We Are All Born as Children

We Are All Born as Children

Yes, we are all born as a child.  We are fed, we cry, we are changed out of a dirty diaper, we are clothed.  We are helpless children. 

And then we grow. 

We learn.

We mature.

What are you learning?  What books are crossing your path?  Who is smarter than you and how much time do you spend with them?

Children don’t stay children forever. 

Neither should we.

We have it in our power to grow up. 

Offering Hope
One Word at a Time

Friday, February 23, 2018

Map Maker or Map Finder

Map Maker or Map Finder?

 This question arrested my thinking today. 

Are you a map maker 
or a map finder?

We creative types are often map-makers.  We
map out the territory and allow others to find their way in a land we’ve already traversed.  It’s fun, mostly, being a map-maker.  It’s scary, it’s bold living, and it’s courageous.

And where would the world be without make maker’s?  Someone had to go before us and show the way. 

I think I’ll keep trying to find my way, make my own way and see what I can discover.  Then I’ll write about it and show you some things I’ve learned.

And … I’ll read of your discoveries if you write them as you make your own map. 

What an adventure.

Offering Hope
One Word at a Time

Monday, February 19, 2018

What Do Olympians Do

What Do Olympians Do

It starts with a dream.  They don’t think about the gold at first.  They just want to stand on the podium at the end and hear their anthem and celebrate the cheers of their country.

They expect pain, and overcoming injury.  They listen for the 3:30 AM alarm,
even on Sunday’s, so they can gain a better edge. 

They play mental games with themselves.  They imagine their skill at its peak.  They feel the wind, they sense the turns and the twists, the jumps and the landings.  They visualize every second of their performance, and they haven’t even gotten out of bed yet.

They leave parties early, they avoid foods that don’t benefit their bodies, they eat and drink as part of their strategy.  They practice mindfulness in the smallest of details.

They choose!

What is your sport?  Growing a business, writing, singing, playing drums?  Maybe it’s time to do what Olympians do.


Offering Hope
One Word at a Time