Monday, April 30, 2018

The Greatness That You Are

The Greatness That You Are

We are all great, just in different areas.  Talent comes in differing measures.  And then comes the developing of that talent. 

Some people are one-talent people.  And if they do that talent well, to the best possible degree, then they are truly great. 

Others find three or four talents in their possession.  Well and good.  Set about developing those as well.

I’m reminded of the three men in the ancient scripture text. 

One was given 5 talents and he turned it into 10.
One was given 2 talents and he turned it into 4.
One was given 1 talent and he hid it.  Later, he was rebuked for hiding the one thing he was given. 

Take your talent seriously.  See what you can make of it. 

Above all, don’t bury it or ignore it.

Offering Hope

Sunday, April 29, 2018

What's in a Name

What’s in a Name

I believe in holding onto a good name.  A name speaks volumes about a company, a product or an individual. 

I am typing on a Mac Air.  I have an iPhone 8 to my left.  My watch is an Apple watch. They just make incredible products.  And they are trouble-free.  They have a ‘good name’.

Someday I want to own a Tesla.  Those vehicles just speak quality and durability.  And they look pretty sharp too.

There is something to be said about holding onto a good name.  It follows you everywhere. 

What’s in your name?

Offering Hope

Saturday, April 28, 2018



Now there’s a buzz-word for you. 


So, let’s talk about this for thirty-seconds.

What did you eat at your last meal?  Do you remember how it tasted?  What was the texture, the seasoning, enough salt or pepper?  Were you mindful as you ate it?

Have you seen any sunrises or sunsets lately?  Are you mindful of the natural beauty a block from where you live – or next door to where you live?

Did you notice the limp of the person you passed today?  Did you note the clothes of the sales clerk, or the smile or lack thereof?

It’s mindfulness. 

Something to think on, in less than one minute.

Offering Hope