Monday, July 16, 2018

Musicians Are Noise Makers

Musicians are Noise Makers

I went into a local bookstore yesterday.  They had a man playing a soprano sax.  To me, he was making more noise than music.  His rhythm was okay, but his intonation was greatly lacking. 

I’ve sung solos when they were more noise than music, and then again, I’ve had some lovely musical moments.

What I have to keep remembering is this … the noise leads us to the beauty.

My wife, Carolyn, is an amazing pianist.  She makes music – not noise.  Some of her students, for now, make noise, for they are still learning.

What are you learning?
Is it noise, or music?

And this is not just about music you know.

Something to think on,
in less than one minute.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope