Saturday, February 17, 2024



Let’s think about oxygen. We all need it. Deprive yourself of it for a few minutes and you’ll be desperate for it.

From another point of view, consider this ...
What gives you oxygen? In other words, what inspires you?

Popular motivational books tell us this is our ONE dominate passion. Some call it “our driving force in life.”

I’ve identified my oxygen. It is writing and podcasting. When I first started writing I feared that I would someday run out of ideas and then what?

That has not been the case. It seems one idea leads me to the next, and the next, and ten more after that.

My long-time college friend Harold once told me to slow down in working on my book ideas. He felt I had too many going at once.

This I know ... You will lead a really fulfilling life once you find out what and where your oxygen comes from. And when you do, it just might drive you to places you never dreamed of going.

P Michael Biggs 
