Monday, November 12, 2012

Your Voice

43 Seconds

Sometimes we say what’s been said before just because we have a voice and we can say it differently.  Sometimes we say it because we have a following that the previous voices never touched. 

Your voice is your voice.  Just because something has been said before doesn’t matter at all.

Look at these examples:
Apple computers vs. DOS computers
Boeing vs. Lockheed vs. Piper vs. Raytheon and on-and on
American vs. Delta vs. TWA – and then along came Southwest, Jet Blue and others

You have a voice. 
Hope you find it and use it in your corner of the world.

Perhaps your perspective and your way of conducting business will become the catalyst for ten, or a thousand, even a million customers.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time