Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Thief

41 Seconds

A thief is on the loose.  Be on the lookout. 

He will come and steal from you.  He won’t steal TVs, computers, jewelry and clothes.  He steals dreams, hopes and imagination.

He is called The Censor.

He is invisible, yet his whispers are heard the world over.

And when we listen to The Censor we sometimes buy into what he is saying.  Long before we are able to show the world what we want to do and be, The Censor slips in and 
whispers …

“You’re not good enough.”
“Why you?”
“Who do you think you are?”

You are worthy of having and accomplishing your dreams and hopes. 

Silence the Censor. 


“I am good enough!”
Why not me?”
“I am someone who is capable.”

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, January 28, 2013


19 seconds

“Impossible only means 
that you haven’t found 
the solution yet.”-

Some wise anonymous person said that. 

What yet lies beyond the veil of “impossible” and is just awaiting discovery? 

Only your mind can unlock those possibilities.

Dream the impossible, and make it happen. 

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Thursday, January 24, 2013

That One Person

43 Seconds

We all seek him.  We all want her to cross our path and sprinkle that magic dust on our heads, and then look out world. 

What are we talking about?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said this: 

“Our chief want is someone
who will inspire us to be
what we know we could be.”

We play the ‘if only’ game. 

“If only Michael Jordan could teach me basketball.”
“If only Jim Carrey could teach me to be funny.
“If only I could meet George Clooney.”

That’s what we want … but what we need is the will to do the thing that is before us, that burning passion and desire.  If Michael, or Jim or George come along, well and good, but if not, I’ll find a way to do it myself.

Find a way!

I love that.

That is when you become That One Person.

Inspiration sometimes is an inside job.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Word Wounds

48 Seconds

There is a childhood mantra that goes like this:

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words can never harm me

I don’t buy that.  Some of us live with word wounds for most of our lives.  Words have a way of staying around long after they are spoken.

How do we overcome word wounds?

We have to replace them with wholesome images of our true identity and worth. 

Some people use mantras, poems, or Biblical passages that are meaningful.

Try some of these:

   I can
      God is with me
         I approve of myself
      I am a worthy individual
   I believe in myself

Have hope.  Breathe on the embers of your potential with some wholesome words.

Replace the words of your past with fresh words for your future.  

Word wounds can heal.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, January 21, 2013

"When Things Go Wrong" Poem

Here's a timely reminder for all of us.  Enjoy!

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out;

Don't give up though the pace seems slow--

You may succeed with another blow,

Success is failure turned inside out--

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems so far;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--

It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
~ Unknown

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
One Word at a Time

Friday, January 18, 2013

I Hear Happiness

It’s 6 AM and I hear happiness. 

Two of our grand-kids are spending the weekend with us.  Eliot, age 3. is singing while Nanny fixes hot cocoa for him and sister Adia.  They are pretty content after 9 hours of sleep. 

What’s he singing?  Check this out.
“Jingle Bells
Batman smell
Robin lays an egg”

Cracks me up. 

What a happy moment – a slice of life worth a fortune. 

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Dominant Thoughts Dominate

27 Seconds

It’s the old adage – "You become what you think about."

What are your conversations like in the privacy of your own mind?
          Doing better
            Being better

Are you falling short?  Are you putting yourself down, and holding “shortcoming sessions” with yourself?

I really do hold to the Earl Nightingale’s phrase.

“You become what 
you think about.”

Mental conversations matter.

Dominant thoughts do dominate.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


31 Seconds.

Carolyn and I recently watched a movie starring Morgan Freeman called Return to Belle Island.  In it he uses the line “Look down the road and tell me what you don’t see.”

That’s a fresh thought.  It demands imagination, the unleashing of our minds to create the what-if’s. 

It’s the unleashing that I want to encourage you to do.  Every organization, every business venture, every entity depends on imagination to fuel its future. 

Everything in our world once began in someone’s imagination.

Where can your imagination take you?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, January 14, 2013

Getting Better

15 Seconds

Just discovered – off the coast of Australia – a small tin box.  And inside, we found treasure untold, wrapped in fourteen words.

Mistakes aren't really mistakes.
They are the guide posts 
you use to get better.

Kind of amazing, wouldn’t you say?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Friday, January 11, 2013

What Do You Sell

32 Seconds

Name any perfume maker – Revlon, Chanel, Coty, and others.  What do they sell? 


Disney has rides, but they sell magic.

Book stores have books, but they sell escape and knowledge.

Do you sell love?
You had better.  People either love or hate to deal with you.

Love eggs?  Where do you go?
Have a web site?  Do people stay a while?

Do you write blogs?  Do people read them?

Do people come back for more of whatever it is you do?

I hope so.

Sell them what they want.

Hope and Love.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Pick Up the Pieces

15 Seconds

A wise woman once said:

"If one dream should fall and break

into a thousand pieces,

never be afraid to pick one

of those pieces up and begin again. "
 Flavia Weedn

The magic is in the beginning again.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
 Japanese Proverb

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Monday, January 07, 2013

The Compliment

19 seconds

Want to know one HUGE tip for winning friends and influencing people? 

Here it is in seven simple words.

“Compliment People in Front of Other People”

A compliment is music to our ears, and when said in front of co-workers, a spouse, a customer or the big boss, it becomes a symphony.

Say the words.
   Build the person.
      Make their day.
         Change their world and yours.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Thursday, January 03, 2013

A Simple Word

36 Seconds

As I work in my office, Carolyn is at the piano teaching a student.  You would be amazed at the nurture and encouragement she is offering this young pianist. 

He is insecure. 
     He is a beginner. 
          He’s not very good. 

But he is performing close to his best, and she is accepting that level of work and praising him for his effort.  


She’s not blowing smoke in his eyes and feeding a bunch of false bravado and false buildup.  No. 

She is building his confidence, his self-worth and his image of what he might one day attain. 

Love it.

He doesn't need another put-down.  He is receiving a huge dose of build-up. 

Wonder where it will take him?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A Seed

A Seed
29 Seconds

 Seeds aren’t much to look at.  They are small, and some need a magnifying glass to properly see them. 

But look what they can become. 

Giant oaks suitable for climbing
Stately maples offering shade on a hot August day
Lovely furniture to grace our homes

And remember the seed of an idea as well.

They have become …
Exploration of planets
Smart phones
Magnificent buildings
Stable marriages
Worthy service organizations that benefit mankind

There is power in the seed of an idea. 

What might your seeds become?

What indeed?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time