Thursday, January 03, 2013

A Simple Word

36 Seconds

As I work in my office, Carolyn is at the piano teaching a student.  You would be amazed at the nurture and encouragement she is offering this young pianist. 

He is insecure. 
     He is a beginner. 
          He’s not very good. 

But he is performing close to his best, and she is accepting that level of work and praising him for his effort.  


She’s not blowing smoke in his eyes and feeding a bunch of false bravado and false buildup.  No. 

She is building his confidence, his self-worth and his image of what he might one day attain. 

Love it.

He doesn't need another put-down.  He is receiving a huge dose of build-up. 

Wonder where it will take him?

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time