Saturday, May 05, 2018

Happy Place

Happy Place

I’m in my happy place.  It’s a rainy Saturday morning, 9AM, I have the condo to myself, some light jazz is playing on Spotify through my Echo Dot (from Amazon).  And I’m writing. 

I see an occasional duck land and take off on a very small creek just to my right called Willow Creek.  They are a magical and majestic creation. 

Wow!  I love moments like this.  And I’m happy.

Are you happy?  Do you have a happy place to which you go on occasion?

I highly recommend that you do.  I’m not a soaking-tub kind of guy.  I’m not much of a wine drinker.  So, I don’t seek my happy place there.  But this … this is just about perfect.  Even the rain is pleasant. 

This moment is brought to you by Up-Words – Hope, Encouragement and Inspiration. 

And me!

Offering Hope