Sunday, October 21, 2018

People Everywhere

People Everywhere

At the moment, I’m in a favorite little-known coffee place in Seattle.  There are nine people in here.  Nine individuals of whom I know nothing about.  I don’t know their names, where they live, what their shoe size is, or even if they use deodorant or not.

But this I do know about each of them.  They want to be cherished.  They want validation.  They want to be thought well of and they seek some measure of love.

We all share that. 

These elements reduce us all down to being simple human beings, trudging along on this sphere called earth.  Our bank accounts don’t matter.  Our jobs and business cards are not important for this moment in time.

We just want a good cup of coffee or whatever, perhaps a kind conversation, as I can hear is happening, and we want a peaceful life, at least for these few minutes.

Remember that today as you rub elbows with someone else.  They are people too.

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope