Thinking Can Bring Change
Can Bring Change
the change starts with a change of one’s mind first. You know the drill. You hold an opinion. You are comfortable with that thought. Along comes new information, a different
slant, a challenge to your cherished ideas.
whether you change or not, it comes forth because of “thinking”.
we need a thinking space, a place we go to where we can do the hard work of reckoning
our thoughts with what is true and right for the moment.
demands an environment in which you can try out a variety of ideas, with no
judgement on any except your own.
Thinking, I think, means you have to have to some bad ideas to stand
beside the good ones.
done my thinking in my office, along Sunset Drive, at the beach in Kona, in
libraries, in coffee shops and in noisy tire stores.
main point is this … you own your thoughts.
Use your power of choice wisely.
Something to
think on,
in about 60
P Michael Biggs