Friday, March 16, 2012

Life in the Moment

Today Carolyn and I enjoyed breakfast together at our new favorite little place in downtown Edmonds, WA.  It is called Baicha Tea Room.  We had a lot of nothing to talk about.  Just chitchat mostly.

I paused several times during our conversation simply to say to her, “Honey, I’m loving this moment with you.”

The tea was excellent.  The food hot and delicious, the atmosphere was quaint, quiet and peaceful, but the company of my wife was the best. 

I was savoring that moment with her. 

We were making a precious moment, together.  That’s the stuff of a quality life. 

How is the quality of your life? 

Being “in the moment” in conversations with spouses, kids, parents, close friends is one of those critical skills worth mastering.

Be present in your life in the moment.

Create precious moments.

It’s living a full life at its best.