Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Blessing

The Blessing

We celebrated the 16th birthday of our grandson recently.  During the party we took a few moments for each person to say words of blessing and esteem to TJ. 

I couldn’t help thinking what an incredibly rich experience this was for all of us.  We adults and his siblings expressed observations, reminiscences, hopes and dreams that we each held for TJ. 

TJ, on the other hand, simply sat and received these words.  They were images of what his life has looked like and a glimpse of the possibilities that awaited him.

Oh to have a small part in esteeming him in this way.

I wish for you a similar experience.  Next time you have a family gathering time why not add something like this into your plans?

It will prove to be a rich experience for everyone involved.

Bless someone today.

Offer up-words of healing.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time