Thursday, May 31, 2012

Think for Yourself

Think for Yourself

-I read a lot of books, web content, and magazines in the course of a month. 
-I read two or three newspapers several days each week.
-I listen to ABC news as often as I can.

But I’m not letting those sources do my thinking for me.

I’ve gone to church all my life.  I’ve heard a few thousand sermons, and sang even more songs.  But I’m not letting all of that totally form my theological foundations. 

I have some brilliant friends with amazing minds.  There is nothing more stimulating than a great conversation with these friends.  But I’m not letting them do my thinking for me.

We’re facing an election year this fall.  Millions of dollars will be spent promoting or deflating each candidate.  Will you drink what you’re offered?

You see, I want to do my own thinking.

Sometimes I drink; I just don't swallow everything I drink.  

Do you?

Best advice – Think for Yourself.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time