Sunday, June 17, 2012

Failure Has Value

Failure Has Value
( 48 Secs.)

I've written a bit about failure lately.  It’s not because I see myself as a failure.  Rather, everything I'm reading today says that to be successful one should double their failure rate.

So, with this spirit in mind, allow me to borrow from my new favorite author - Seth Godin and his book Tribes.

“The secret of being wrong isn't to avoid being wrong!
The secret is being willing to be wrong.
The secret is realizing that wrong isn't fatal.”

Seth continues. 

“The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret of success.”

He concludes with this.
“The secret of leadership is simple:  Do what you believe in.  Paint a picture of the future.  Go there.

“People will follow.”

Winston Churchill got it right. 

  “Failure is not fatal.”

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time