Friday, August 10, 2012

When Heartbreak Turns to Hope

When Heartbreak Turns to Hope

The American Red Cross uses the title of this blog as their motto.  Here’s the thing.

Sometimes we become the hope that counterbalances the heartbreak.  The question is this:  “Are we willing to be hope for someone?”

-Twice in my life I’ve been given a sum of money when the bank balance was low. 
Hope abounded.
-Hope has shown up to some through a bucket of fried chicken.
-Hope visited a family or two during a recent hurricane tragedy, carrying a shovel.
-Hope was an anonymous sack of groceries left on someone’s doorstep recently.

It’s good to receive hope.

It’s good to give hope.

In the next week, look for opportunities to be hope for someone.

Heartbreak turned to hope is a good thing.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Up-Moments
One Moment at a Time