Thursday, February 07, 2019

When Memories Get in the Way

When Memories Get in the Way

This is one of those posts in which the title tells the whole story.  Really.

But for those of us who need a bit more reminding, here goes.

I remember …
Failing once. Am I a constant failure?
Getting sick on avocados.  Can I ever eat avocados again?
I almost got my dream job once.  Dare I dream again?

I liked her but she didn’t like me.  Will anyone find me attractive?
I forgot, again, to do that thing I was supposed to do.  Will I ever get it right?

Just because you have “always” done bad doesn’t mean you always will do bad. 

Memories can be redeemed.  Good can come from bad.

Something to think on,
in about 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs