Saturday, March 31, 2018

Add Some Water

Add Some Water

When I lived in Albuquerque I had a peach tree in my back yard that looked like it was dying.  The leaves were wilting, the peaches the first year were knots – small and hard.

I began watering it every night.  You should
have seen the peaches when picking season came.  They were large and round and juicy and delicious.

They just needed water.

I meet people all the time who just need a bit of water.  They are thirsty for esteeming words, recognition, validation, encouragement.

It is my mission in life to offer hope, encouragement and inspiration to anyone who will listen and read my stuff.

I’m simply adding some water.

There are people around you, too, who need a bit of water.  Will you? 

Something to think on, in less than one minute.

Offering Hope