Tuesday, June 26, 2018

She Gets Me

She Gets Me

I just took CB her morning cup of coffee.  As I leaned in to kiss her, I said, “I’m writing.”

Her response: “Go write.” 

It’s early on a Saturday morning.  I’ve been at this for a while today.  She’s quietly enjoying her morning, listening to a podcast or some such program.

And she gets me.  She knows what is important in my life.  Lest you think I’m a selfish snob, I cater to her as well and I tune into her interests, her needs and wants.  She often brings me my coffee while here at my desk, doing my writing thing.

There is nothing finer in this world than being in a relationship with a person who gets you.

I hope you find that.

Something to think on,
in less than one minute.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope