Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How Did You Make Them Feel?

How Did You Make Them Feel?


Maya Angelou said it.  “I may forget what you said.  I may forget what you did.  I will never forget how you made me feel.”
What power and magic that holds when used in appropriate ways. 

Reminds me of a Bible verse:  “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my God.”

We all have had harsh words tossed our way.  Ouch!  Perhaps we’ve done the tossing. 

Ah, but what about the esteeming words we’ve heard?

Have you heard words like these?
 ~You did a great job.
  ~I love how you listened to me just now.
   ~You are a true professional.
    ~You’re about the best I’ve ever seen at what you do.
     ~You always follow through. Thank you so much.

Always remember the power of the right word spoken at the right time.

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope