Thursday, August 30, 2018

One Voice

One Voice

My friend, Linda, in Albuquerque has one of those voices that is like honey.  She really is a fine singer. 

I have a friend who is a banker.  He uses his voice to help his clients with banking needs, loans, investment growth and all things banking. 

My friend Stan is a judge.  He uses his voice to justly uphold the laws of the land.

We all have a voice.  Some literally sing, speak, write, or act.  My friend Alene bakes incredible pies.  My good friend Jalyn is a find actor and play producer. 

A voice is sometimes a unique and special contribution one can make in this world at some level.

Hope you are finding your voice.

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope