Friday, November 02, 2018

Expose Yourself

Expose Yourself

We went to our grandson, Jacob’s, band concert last night.  First the 9th grade, then 10th and so on.

Obviously, each band got better.  There was a telling difference in the skill and intonation as the older groups performed.

Why?  Because they exposed themselves.  They dared to spend time, over time with their instrument of choice.  The number of hours we put into a craft can cause improvement.

Since 2009, I have exposed myself and my skills to this craft of writing.  It is paying off.

Whether you build buildings, pave roads, teach school, or drive a police car, the more exposure you allow, the more acute your skills and attention become.

At what do you want to improve?  Age isn't the factor. Exposure is.

Yes!  Expose yourself.

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope