Sunday, November 18, 2018

Spaces and Places

Spaces and Places

I’m in one of my favorite spaces at the moment.  I have several. 

This one is an independent coffee shop near my church.  I have an hour, so here I sit, writing. 

This is actually a rustic, non-descript place.  Fake linoleum flooring, orange walls, pictures on every wall of every description, and the music could become a distraction if I listened long enough. 

I come here because it affords me privacy and a great space to write.  Sooner than soon, I tune out the music and the walls.  I like this space and place.

I need spaces like this.  My home office is one that I cherish.  Starbucks sometimes becomes a space I’ll use, as have tire stores, busy malls, and a Jack-n-the-Box last Monday.

I need my spaces.  I need to let this stuff out that cogitates inside of me. 

Where do you go to find your spaces and places?

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope