Friday, November 09, 2018

Ideal Circumstances

Ideal Circumstances

I am writing in a very cold, almost empty McDonalds today.  It’s not ideal.  The workers are chatting, laughing.  I hear a couple of other customers discussing the world.  It’s not ideal.

I prefer writing ocean-side, the waves crashing, blue water, as far as the eye can see ... nothing but water, water, water.

Rarely do I get that.

And we do life anyway.

If we wait for ideal situations, we would never act.  The stock market is down or up, the weather is hot or cold, the boss is in a good mood/bad mood, my wife is not happy or hasn’t had her coffee yet. 

You know the excuses we tell ourselves. 

And, when we get tired of waiting, we act.  Good for us.  At least we put one foot out there and it didn’t fall off.

Now, how do we make our own circumstances?

Something to think on,
in less than 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope