Thursday, January 03, 2019

Do I Like Myself?

Do I Like Myself?

Yes.  Of course I do.  I like myself a whole lot.  Whoa.  Get your hand off the mouse button.  Keep reading for 20 more seconds.

Like you, I’m not perfect, but I still like myself.  I’ve got lots of room for improvement, and I’m gonna work on that this year … really I am.  And I still like myself.

I’m learning to talk kindly to ME.  I say things like “Thank you.”  “Oh my, you climbed those stairs well today.”  “Great job of sleeping seven hours without a pee break.”

You know, stuff like that.

I let myself cheat sometimes on food.  I’m allowed.  I usually follow a pretty strict food regimen, but I’ll allow an occasional slice of pie or cake, small in size. 

And I like myself enough to hit the gym three times per week. 

Hope this helps somebody out there. It surely helps me remember to like myself as we travel along.

Something to think on,
in about 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope