Monday, January 21, 2019

I'm Surrounded by Dreamers

I’m Surrounded by Dreamers

I’m at my health club.  The parking lot is full and there are near a hundred people here.  They are dreamers.  They dream of better health, a better, more fit body.  Some are chasing an ailment with hopes of catching up and overtaking it. 

CB is with me.  She has her dreams for here, in this space.  At the moment, she is sweating it out in a spin class.  And I do mean sweating.

They are dreamers. 

That’s all good.  This post is not about joining a health club.  It is about dreaming, however. 

I’ve done my workout, and now I’m working on my other dream – my dream as a writer.  This dream has seized me in such a way that I can’t leave it alone.  It calls to me. 

Got a dream?  I hope it grabs you as mine has grabbed me.  And when it does, you will want to spend a lot of time with your dream, and that’s a good thing. 

Something to think on,
in about 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope