Thursday, January 17, 2019

Who's Going to Pull Us Back Together

Who’s Going to Pull Us Back Together

At best, at the moment, we are a fractured people.  We will fight at the drop of a hat.  We will argue, fuss, find fault, and drop anyone from our friend list on social media simply because they vote differently from us.

We are a nation undone.  The seams have been ripped to shreds and I question if the majority of us give a damn.

Yes, I wrote “damn”.

If we think the government is going to pull us back together, think again.  There is so much in-fighting within the ranks of our government, that the very idea of help from on high is futile and a fruitless call.

The worst solution to our dilemma … for a major catastrophe to occur.  We don’t need another 9/11.  We don’t need a nuclear bomb landing on our land.  Those tragedies would certainly do the trick, for I’ve seen US pull back together after such incidents.  And they work for a short time.

No.  We don’t need that. 

Now, here’s a novel idea.  What if we got back to common decency, common courtesy.  What if we showed a lot, not a little, but a lot of respect for fellow man/woman.  What if we honored each other’s God-given right to hold a differing thought, a challenging political viewpoint. 

And, dare I say it, I’m for a bit less government meddling and monitoring and eyes in the sky from Big Brother, or Amazon watching my buying habits and then turning them against me, and any other “eye spy” apparatus that is now the enemy. 

We can do this, Americans.  We can pull it together.  We can still salvage the strains of “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. 

Will we find it within us to do just that? 

How much are we all willing to bend, not break, but bend to begin this “pulling back together” thing?

Nobody, and I mean no body can do it for us.  No agency can legislate us into it, and no law is guaranteed to do the trick.

WE the people must find the answers. 

We hold the ropes for this great pull.


Something to think on,
in about 60 seconds.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope